
Film Menculik Miyabi

The film Menculik Miyabi that had become controversial because it featured a Japanese porn star, kidnapping Miyabi already finished filming and will be released soon. The plan, the film will be released on 6 May.

"Yeah, so dong. Abis money had come out not so big time, "said Producer Maxima Productions, Ody Mulya Hidayat when talking with okezone in Jakarta, Tuesday (05/03/2010).

Menculik Miyabi Video He admitted, once told that the film Indonesia LSF is currently falling, thereby making the movie he said he wanted a scene with a movie star Maria Ozawa or Miyabi.

"Miyabi movie star, but for teens. No nothing, "he explained.

Miyabi addition, the film will also be starring Nicky Tirta, Herfiza Novianty. Kevin Julio, and Rizky Mocil. Previously, the script was created by Raditya Dika, now the movie script was written by Marqee.

Same story line with the plan before the movie, she got a role as a woman on duty to pick the winner of the quiz in Indonesia, but instead he was abducted by three teenage nerd.